Family · Raise Your Littles

What’s Left to Buy? Ideas for 2nd+ Time Moms & Babies

A couple people have asked me if there’s anything I need for this (3rd) baby. I usually draw a blank on how to respond. I started perusing the internet to see if I could find any posts that would give me some kind of jumpstart on things I could suggest when people ask. {Believe me… Continue reading What’s Left to Buy? Ideas for 2nd+ Time Moms & Babies

Faith · Raise Your Littles

What Does Family Discipleship Look Like?

Theodore Roosevelt is credited with saying, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” I have experienced this in my own life. I measure ahead of some, behind others. It’s easy to play the comparison game, which encourages us to seek discontent with our present circumstances and abilities. But what if we used the fact that every… Continue reading What Does Family Discipleship Look Like?

Faith · Grow Your Marriage · Raise Your Littles

Ministry Spotlight: Rooted Families

Sometimes a simple conversation can have a great impact on our walk with Christ. It can challenge us to rethink familiar patterns, habits that are not based on Scripture, priorities that pursue temporal ventures over eternal treasures. I’ve had a few of those conversations with the people behind this month’s Ministry Spotlight. Rooted Families began… Continue reading Ministry Spotlight: Rooted Families

Raise Your Littles

4 Years of Mothering {A Reflection}

As we near Buddy’s 3rd birthday, I’ve been reminiscing. Reflecting on what I’ve done, not done, experienced, and learned. {Wait… the title says 4 years, not 3. Huh? } This motherhood journey has connected me to other women in an incredible way. Pregnancy, newborns, toddlers, two kids…and this is only the beginning. A rich time… Continue reading 4 Years of Mothering {A Reflection}

Faith · Raise Your Littles

Polarizing Opposites: Children’s Ministry vs. Integrated Family Worship

{Unfamiliar with Polarizing Opposites? Find out the purpose and goal of this monthly series here. } If you’re looking for an incredible dividing line, this is the cause to take up! Either side of the issue has strong feelings, and discussing the matter with the “opposing” side can escalate quickly. But let’s listen for a… Continue reading Polarizing Opposites: Children’s Ministry vs. Integrated Family Worship